报告题目:A micromagnetic simulation package based on COMSOL Multiphysics
报告摘要:Micromagnetic simulation is a numerical method widely used in studying magnetization dynamics and spin wave by treating the magnetization as a semi-classical quantity with coarse grain average in space. We developed a micromagnetic simulation package based on the widely used simulation app COMSOL Multiphysics. This new micromagnetic simulation tool can efficiently compute magnetization dynamics in several different types scenarios, including i) the static magnetization profile stabilization such as magnetic domain walls, magnetic skyrmions , ii) computing in time domain for the spin wave behavior excitation and propagation, and the dynamics of magnetic textures such as the magnetic domain wall or skyrmion motion, iii) computing in frequency domain for spin wave dispersion in trivial or non-trivial magnetic textures, and more importantly, iv) coupled to other physical fields such as the electromagnetic fields, thermal fields, mechanical fields that have already been embedded in COMSOL.
报告简介:肖江,复旦大学物理系 教授、博士生导师。研究凝聚态理论物理、自旋电子学、磁学。主要研究各种磁性材料和结构中的自旋输运行为和特性,如自旋转移力矩、磁矩动力学、自旋泵浦、自旋塞贝克效应以及自旋相关的热电噪音等物理现象。为今后几十年的信息技术进步奠定必要的理论基础。 https://phys.fudan.edu.cn/f7/5a/c7605a63322/page.htm